The Preferred Loyalty Program is a loyalty program specifically for Private Practices and Group Practices that rewards each practice for purchases of most Kerr and Implant Direct brands.
Listed below are frequently asked questions to help you learn more about the program, benefits and how it works.
Q: What is the Preferred Loyalty Program?
A: The Preferred Loyalty Program is a loyalty program, which rewards customers for their purchases of Kerr and Implant Direct products. The program rewards customers with points, which they can redeem in an Online Rewards Catalog for products, CE reimbursement and cash. It covers the following categories:
*DEXIS products available until 12/31/2025
- DEXIS Imaging
- i-CAT
- Service Level Contracts
- Gendex
- Kerr
- Nomad
- Pentron
- Implant Direct
Q: What are some key tools or pages on the website that customers should visit?
A: We recommend that customers get to know the “My Account” and “Member Offers” sections right off the bat. In the “My Account” section members can see a dashboard of where they stand on points, see all of their transaction history, and even see if they have opted into any special loyalty-based promotions. To see “My Account” customers need to sign into their account and click on the navigation that appears under their practice name. In “Member Offers,” which appears in the main navigation on the site, members can see all special promotions currently being provided to our membership.
Q: Why do customers see their single location appear several times in the results when they search for their practice?
A: When customers search for their practice they frequently see multiple results for their office. This is because they may have multiple dealer accounts that all tie back to just one of their offices. It is important to select all records to ensure that customers will earn all of their points when participating in the program. If a customer believes they missed dealer records they can confirm which dealer accounts are associated to their practice by signing into their loyalty account and clicking on the "My Profile" link . This link appears under their practice name on the right-hand side of the page. If they missed dealer records they can simply click on the "Add Another Practice" link in that same navigation menu to add the dealer accounts.
Q: When will I start earning points?
A: You will start earning points as soon as you register for the program. However, your first deposit will occur approximately two weeks after your initial registration for purchases made during that week. Then points are deposited approximately once a week for all members participating in the loyalty program. The deposit dates are also contingent on data transmission from our distributors. By signing into your loyalty account, you will be able to view an on-line statement in the "My Account" section of the site showing your purchases and the points earned for each transaction.
Q: What if I am a new office, start purchasing from a new dealer or can’t find my practice when registering?
A: Our registration process requires you to select your practice record(s) as provided to the Preferred Loyalty Program by the dealer(s) in which you purchase. If you have not yet purchased any Kerr or Implant Direct product, are a DSO, or are a new practice, no practice record(s) will exist yet which could be the issue. Customers should still create a profile for the program by creating a user name, password and accepting our terms and conditions. If you are in this group, you can simply skip the step in registration that asks you to associate with your dealer records. Taking this action will allow us to backdate your points to initial date of an account creation once your dealer records become available online. To finish your registration and start earning all points owed, simply sign back into your account and click on "Add a New Dealer Account" in the site navigation a few weeks after you have been invoiced and your dealer records should be available then for you to select and complete your registration.
Q: I’ve registered, but am not seeing my point deposits?
A: Please allow 2-4 weeks for your first point deposit. This allows time for the dealer in which you purchase to report your purchase to the Preferred Loyalty Program and time to calculate your points and make the point deposit. If you are still not seeing your points after 4 weeks, please contact Preferred Loyalty Customer Service.
Q: What is 2018 Audit: Product Points Adjustment?
A: The Preferred Loyalty Program conducts regular audits to ensure that the points awarded are accurate. As outlined in our terms and conditions, we make adjustments when needed. These adjustments can add or remove points depending on the outcome of the audit. The “2018 Audit: Product Points Adjustment” corrected overpayment of a limited number of products. To ensure these adjustments are transparent, we always post all transactions made in our customer accounts. In addition to being transparent about the results, please note that any bonus points tied to a customer’s advancement in levels were not removed as a result of this audit. For example, if a customer leveled up from Silver to Gold due to overpayment and received 15,000 bonus points due to overpayment, those bonus points were not removed from our customer's account.
Q: Who is eligible to participate in the Program?
A: The program is open to private practices.
Q: How do customers sign up?
A: How do I sign up? You must register by visiting loyalty.kerrdental.com and clicking on the register button. Once there, follow the instructions, which include:
Step 1: register and create an account.
Step 2: search for your practice.
Step 3: it takes a week or two for your first point deposit to be made. Check back in a week.
Q: Why do customers see their single location appear several times in the results when they search for their practice?
A: When customers search for their practice they frequently see multiple results for their office. This is because they may have multiple dealer accounts that all tie back to just one of their offices. It is important select all records to ensure that customers will earn all of their points when participating in the program.
Q: What if I have multiple offices or buy from multiple dealers?
A: If you have multiple offices or buy from several dealers, you need to register each office and each dealer account to ensure your practice receives all eligible rewards. You can do so in the registration process by searching for and adding multiple practices and dealer accounts tied to those locations to your "saved" results before finishing the registration process. If your number of offices grows or you start buying from another dealer, you can sign back into your loyalty account, click on the drop down menu that appears under your office name, then click on “Add Another Practice or Dealer Account.” This will take customers back to the search page where you can add additional results.
Q: How much will offices earn for purchases?
A: Customers will earn 1-4% back on their equipment, consumables and implant purchases. This 2% earnings means they will be awarded 2 reward points for every dollar spent on equipment purchases, 2 reward points for online implant purchases and 1 reward point for offline implant purchases and 3 reward points for consumable purchases. In addition to these rates, there are year-round promotions and level-advancement points that can help you earn even more.
Rewards Table
Business Unit | Start Date | Rewards Rate | Points Per |
Consumables | January 1, 2017 | 3% | 3 Points/$1 |
Implant Direct | June 10, 2021 | 1-2% |
1 Point/$1 Offline |
Large Commitments $150k Eligible Spend MSRP/Year |
January 1, 2023 | %4 from date of $150k Eligible Spend Hit for remainder of calendar year + 150,000 Bonus Points | 4 Points/$1 |
Q: How Can Customers see the Value of their Points?
A: Customers should sign onto their account and click on the Rewards button in the main navigation of the site. This will take them to the Online Rewards Catalog that will show them all the rewards that are available and cost.
Q: Can You Show me an Example of How Many Points I Need to Earn a Reward?
A: Customers can redeem award points in the On-line Rewards Catalog with as little as 300 points for a product redemption, and as little as 33,333 points for a cash voucher. To see all rewards offered in the program, customers should sign into their account and click on Rewards.
Q: When and How Can a Customer Redeem Points?
A: Practices can redeem their points online any time after they have earned enough points to purchase an item in the Online Rewards Catalog. The points can be redeemed for a check in the amounts of $200, $500, $1,000 or $1,500, but points go further when they are redeemed for a limited selection of Kerr, DEXIS and Implant Direct products, as well as tuition reimbursement for approved Continuing Education courses. To access the Online Rewards Catalog and enter a redemption, simply sign into an account, click on the Rewards option in the navigation available on the home page of the site.
Q: Who Within the Practice Earns the Points?
A: Because sales are tracked at the practice level, rather than the individual ordering product, the points are technically earned by the practice. Because of this, your practice will be instructed to identify one person to be the Primary Member and manage the program point account. They can redeem the points earned on behalf of the practice. Others in the practice can register as Associate Members, without permissions to redeem points.
Q: If I am Already a 2016 Kerr Loyalty Member, Do I Need to Re-Enroll?
A: Yes you need to register before you start earning points. If you haven’t already done so, please register with the Preferred Loyalty website to create a User Name, Password and associate with your practice’s records as reported by each dealer from which you purchase. New loyalty members will start earning points based on their date of registration with the Preferred Loyalty Program.