Practice Lookup Tool for Reps
To see if a customer is registered for the loyalty program, search using the practice name, address, or phone number.
You may see multiple “entries” for an office. All matching entries MUST be selected in order for the customer to receive points for all Preferred Loyalty purchases.
Entries that are already registered will say (Registered) next to each result.
What if a customer is already registered but needs to add a practice to their account?

They should sign into their account. In the navigation under their name, they can click ‘Add Another Practice’.

Scroll down to the ‘Search’ section. They can enter address, practice or dentist name to find their practice/s.

Scroll down to the ‘Search’ section. They can enter address, practice or dentist name to find their practice/s.

They should check the box next to all of the results that match their practice. Remember – their practice will be listed multiple times if they purchase products from multiple dealers. They should check all applicable records.

They should check the box next to all of the results that match their practice. Remember – their practice will be listed multiple times if they purchase products from multiple dealers. They should check all applicable records.

When ready, they can click ‘Continue.’

When ready, they can click ‘Continue.’